Developers Italia is a project developed in collaboration between AGID and the Digital Transformation Department which administers it.
This website was born in order to improve and simplify the relationship between developers and the Public Administration, fostering the development of modern and well integrated digital services. Up until today, with rare exceptions, the central Public Administration was limited to writing rules and laws, using a bureaucratic and non technical language, without tools and initiatives aimed at adequately supporting people who want to develop and create technological projects. Developers Italia fills this gap proposing a technical and less bureaucratic approach. The open source approach is a key element in Developers Italia, in order to encourage collaboration, reuse and continuous improvement.
Further information about the project goals may be found in the launch Medium post.
We are reachable via Slack and Matrix or through the address.

Former Team Members & Contributors

Community Leaders
Maintainers & Contributors
(This section lists only those people whose membership to is set to public.)